Category Archives: News

Windows 8 Install

Ok so I quickly threw on the new developer version of Windows 8 onto my IBM x41 Tablet. Now to clarify, tablet as in old school tablet. Ie. Laptop with swivel screen. Not the new slate style tablets, circa your iPad etc.

So Windows 8 installed just fine, detected even the biometric reader on the IBM. This unit has 1.5gb of RAM and W8 still isn’t that zippy. I guess this is reason enough to upgrade.. Grin. The layout seems novel yes, but it’s also much more difficult to get simple tasks done.. add a user.. log off. change the volume. I’m only a hour in… but I’m already missing Windows 7.
Welps so I wonder who else in Ottawa has done and install..

Ravi Shanghavi, Ottawa

Next Version of Android Could Be “Jelly Bean,” May or May Not Steal “Game Changing” Stuff From Ice Cream Sandwich

How does the name “Jelly Bean” sound as the next version of Android?  According to a report from the This is my next crew, that’s the direction the Android team is leaning as of right now.  Their original source told them that the name had been decided on, but have received additional word suggesting that […]

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